
Welcome to our community area. Welcome to this shared space where we can grow together, share together, love together. This area will grow as our family grows.

Love Feed

In this central sharing space we can share and participate in what is happening and what currently showing up for us as individuals and as a group. This is also where we can centrally share news.
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The Vision for this Community

Please read the vision for this Community and which potentials and possibilities it may hold for us on our journey.
Continue to the Community Vision >>


On our events calender we will share and upcoming events, such as Gatherings, Meditations, Retreats and Pilgrimages. We will also try and include events from other paths also.
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In order to dedicate and assist those who are at different stages of Awakening, Nurturing, Encountering, Embodiying and Expressing Christ, we have created groups where those who are moving through similar stages can grow, share and support eachother along the way. Everyone who enters this community lands in the Awakening Christ Within Group and as you grow and deepening your experience you may choose to move onwards into the following groups.
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