Interview: unedited transcription

We have been given this wonderful way to find our true self by what has come forth as a path to Christ. Can you tell us, the ones who read this, what it is about, where it started, and where it can take us, and what is your role in it? And these are already some questions, but if you can start here.

Yes, the original path to Christ was outlined by your brother Yeshua, our brother Yeshua, and this was followed by many paths to Christ, in plural, by those who genuinely understood, recognized, and remembered the teachings of Yeshua, and what they meant for humanity unfolding. And during the millennia, there have been countless paths, countless ambassadors, teachers, examples of those who embodied these paths to Christ. If you look at any period in your history, you will find these, or for the benefit of those reading these words, it is natural that your interest would be in the recent history that spans your lifetime, in this incarnation, and the many paths to Christ that are available, accessible, and contemporary for you at this time.

And as you all have recognized, the many paths to Christ are all pointing to the one source, by using different language, different tools, different rituals, that are suitable and fitting to the time in which these teachings are given and shared. And indeed, the same applies to each ambassador, each teacher, each vessel, each conduit that takes up this challenge to share their individual path to Christ, as they experience it. So the list of paths to Christ is as long as the list of ambassadors, of conduits, of those who are willing to walk these paths authentically, which in truth includes every one of you reading these words, for each of you are also on your individual path to Christ, your path to oneness with the whole of creation.

And in order to assist you as you walk your path, it helps sometimes when someone who has the qualities, the characteristics to lead, to show the way as they have experienced it, so that it may be of help and benefit to others. And these leaders provide orientation, so that it may be easier for others to calibrate their sense of direction on their individual path. And invariably these people, and all of you who courageously walk this path, these paths are stepping beyond your ego identification to align and to calibrate with the source of creation that is beyond you, and those who we have called leaders are just versions of you who have a little bit more experience at that.

So of the countless paths to Christ available to you at this time, or through your literature, through these what you call channeled messages from beyond the ego identity, you are all familiar with those that you have encountered within this lifetime, the most common to your group being A Course in Miracles, through your sister Helen and Bill, The Way of Mastery, through your brother Jayem, but also the many others available to you, through names that your brother Paul is not even familiar with, through your sister Judith, who was a participant with Jayem, through anonymous sources giving you the Christ Returns series of books and messages, through the modern Christian mystics, all have provided paths to Christ.

And as your brother Paul, this too is where I see my role as just one who has ventured a little bit further, experimented, explored, tuned in to the experiences received and given during meditation, and has somehow, through ways that I cannot explain, found a way to articulate these experiences so that they may be shared with others in this way, and so that the skill set that I bring to this world, the infrastructure that I have access to by working with a composer, your brother Eamonn, who was equally skilled, equally a conduit, equally a vessel as a path to Christ, so that I may bring this together, to marry these words with music. There is surely also significance in the role that I am proficient at building websites and communities on the internet, giving the possibility to share these, to distribute these messages in this library in this way, so that they may be available to those who are interested, who feel called, who resonate with this particular frequency, with this path, and one more characteristic that again is not unique to me, something that I perhaps share with others also, is that I am just a brother sharing what I am experiencing as authentically as I can, which is common for most of those who have before shared their path to Christ in this way, in that they and I experience also the same limitations, disturbances, and distractions that you do.

And finally, the role given to me in this way appears to be centered much more around the experiencing, the embodying within this human beingness, the putting into practice those messages, those words of those who have shared before us, so that this practice of awakening, nurturing, embodying, encountering, and expressing Christ may no longer remain a theoretical concept and a possibility, but may help others to move away and to move forward from theory into practice, and to move forward from practice into experiencing and becoming this fully embodied Christ in human form, and it yet remains to be seen how far this role will take us.

Let that be the answer to your question, my dear sister. Thank you.

That’s a beautiful answer. May I ask, in what way did practicing this had an effect on your daily life?

Yes. Of this awakening and nurturing the possibility of Christ being within me has transformed my life in this daily incarnation. It has brought me moments, hours, days, weeks, and months of experiencing presence, of feeling and experiencing inner peace that expands way beyond the physical entity that I recognize as being me. It has given me a calmness, a trust that helps me to withstand even the most challenging of our worldly experiences. It has made me a more loving father, husband, brother, son, colleague, and friend, and it has also shown me the places within me that were the opposite of this.

It continues to show me that which still resides within me that is not in alignment with the simplicity of loving creation. So, alongside the moments, the hours, the days, the weeks, the months of bliss that I have accumulated on this path, even though they will soon outweigh the distractions, the discomfort, that which is within me that is still not in alignment, these experiences have also given me moments, hours, days, and weeks of discomfort and turmoil, of inner conflict, as I was invited and confronted with that which I had mistakenly adopted and embodied. As I sat with these situations where I recognized the error of my ways, as I was forced to recognize and concede that how I had been doing things, that how I had been was in many ways not in alignment with love, with openness, with expansion, but was fearful, cold, unloving, unkind, and unfair on the world around me, and unfair on those who inhabit this world with me.

But the whole process is like in the image in one of our meditations, one of the early ones, in the image of this hot air balloon, where each situation, each realization you come across, or I come across, we come across and recognize how truly destructive, unkind, unfair, unloving our behavior, our thoughts have been to ourselves and others. And as you sit with these realizations, as you accept them, as you move through this process of letting go of that way of being, and choosing instead a behavior that is more in alignment with divine creation unfolding, as you cast away each of these behaviors, these limiting thoughts, it is as if you were casting away weight and ballast from your hot air balloon, which then sees the balloon rising effortlessly higher to a new level, a new perspective, a new feeling of lightness. And as you continuously throw away, cast away, let go of limiting thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions, just as I have done, the transformation continues until the feelings, the sensations, the time spent in presence begin to outweigh the time spent in separation, out of alignment, and soon presence becomes your default state. And from this state of presence, this life can only be described as miraculous.

Does that serve as an answer to your question, dear sister?

It sure does. Was there anything in your life before this, in your youth, or somewhere that already whispered that this would be coming to you? Was there somewhere a knowing, a recognizing of your true self that, in a way, pointed towards what happened later on in your life, when you started getting the material for the meditations?

No, is the short answer. There is nothing that I remember, that I am aware of, which does not mean that it was not there, but I do not have any recollection in my earlier years of anything that I would now describe as pointing towards that which has happened in these past and recent years. If anything, I would now describe myself as one who was fast asleep until the time when I woke up a couple of years ago.

Are you willing to talk about what happened there, what was the start of all this?

Yes.From my current perspective, through the lens of my human interpretation, which is always limited, looking back I would say that the beginning of my awakening process was where I began and did some hypnotherapy. I think it was 2016, I can check that date again. I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but that was the first departure, as you would say, from the purely intellectual, conditioned way of thinking, being.

It was the first exposure I had that I remember to the realms beyond thought, beyond the thinking mind, to the imaginal realms where I could experience images, where I learned in this way that the past could be healed, that behaviors that I had once thought were just part of who I was could be transformed almost in an instant. I didn’t spend very long in this hypnotherapy, maybe 10 -15 sessions. But that set me on a pathway of realization that there is much more going on than the world of thinking, of knowing intellectually, and I think perhaps it took me a few years, or I spent a few years processing this expansion of awareness.

I suppose now looking back you would call it expansion of consciousness also, and I suppose during this time, as is always the case, I chose the books to read that fed this curiosity around these topics of awareness expanding, of asking and wondering what else is out there beyond the limitations of thought? What more am I or are we capable of beyond the conditioned self? And I cannot exactly remember when, but I must have stumbled across the books of Joe Dispenza, started reading them, and felt increasingly drawn in. My curiosity grew, and when he came to Majorca in April of 2019, I found myself going there to that week-long retreat, a week-long meditation retreat, although I had at that time, up until then, not had very much experience with meditation.

I tried to practice in the I would say that it was during this week in Majorca that I fully, I don’t know has anyone ever fully awakened, but I awakened and experienced much, much deeper the possibilities that lay in the spiritual realms.

I perhaps got a glimpse, an experience into the expanse of infinite possibilities. I received visions, images, experienced healings, both in others and myself. And it felt as if during this week, like a little chick in the egg, I burst through the shell of my limited perspectives and perceptions to sense and realize that what I had thought to be reality was just a tiny mask or a window that bore very little resemblance with reality and truth, even though I had no idea what that was. During this week, I learned to sense and trust intuition, images, sensations, and inner knowing just dropping in.

During this week, in a group of about 1,000 people, I sensed how a community might live in love. I sensed how the energy of love can be transported, carried, radiated by so many. And during that week, I calibrated my sights to realize that this is how I wanted to be, always.

And that was my experience in April 2019, how it all started. Beginning in 2016 with hypnotherapy, carrying forward to 2019, just five years ago now.

May I ask you another question?


What happened on and around 21st of December of 2021?

To arrive at this happening, I will continue telling the story from 2019 after my return from this week-long retreat in Mallorca.

During the week-long retreat in Mallorca, I received visions for a trip to Ireland that I would organize as a tour operator, called Ireland for the Soul. I saw how I, as a tour operator, was perfectly positioned to offer this type of soul journey to Ireland, for those who are interested. In the weeks following, after my return from Mallorca, I started receiving what I then called downloads, which were blocks of text that felt like a paragraph or a sentence for a meditation that I was to create for these journeys, these soul journeys to Ireland.

I would sometimes just sit down with a pen and write down one sentence. And sometimes hours, sometimes days later, a whole meditation would have found its way through me, through my hand onto the paper, in words, in formulations, in sentences that did not look like they were something that I would normally phrase or formulate in that way. One particular time when I was mowing the lawn in the garden, a sentence came to me and I stopped, pulled out my phone and wrote down that sentence so that I would not forget it.

And forty minutes later, about fifteen hundred words had been typed through my phone and it turned out to be almost a whole meditation. It just landed, flowed. I knew then that I had to create music for these meditations and I searched and found a composer in Ireland, intuitively knew which was the right one, booked a flight to spend time with him in the studio, to record and create something I had never ever dreamt of doing before.

Before this journey to Ireland to meet with Eamonn Karran the composer, I was guided to meet with, to connect with someone who has scribed a book, a collection of chapters and messages from Saint Peter. And up until that point I had almost completely rejected religion in any sort of a way. So although I felt quite a lot of resistance to anything that was even remotely associated with religion, with the church, the Catholic church, something drove me to make a connection with this person.

So after spending some time in the studio with Eamonn, recording, meditating, creating music, I drove to connect with Denise Devlin. This meeting, this connection, although we had exchanged just one or two emails prior to our meeting, can be described as nothing else but a as a meeting of old friends where such a familiarity, comfort was immediately present through this meeting with Denise, through this exposure with her book, The Untold Story, Peter and Jesus. I came to realize my mistake.

I came to realize it by rejecting religion, the teachings, the Catholic church, and everything I associated with the aspects of truth that lay beyond the religion. And this was the beginning of my reacquainting, re-educating myself on the true message of Jesus, of how in this way, through meditation, through the experiences I had experienced in Mallorca during this meditation retreat, through the experiences I had been exposed to in the hypnotherapy and the imaginal realms of images and visions, I was able to tune in to the truth, to the words of Jesus, the message, on a level that was previously inaccessible for me. And as then I continued then to explore, to read, to follow my curiosity and intuition in this way.

At some time then I stumbled across Christ Returns books, other messages, which further enhanced my re-education, my recalibration, my realization that the teachings of Jesus and the Buddha and Krishna were all coming from the same source. During this time I connected with others who were of the same phases of their journey of exploration, of re-education as I was. I joined in with their gatherings, connections on Zoom, participated shyly, more of a participant than a contributor, where I carefully and tenderly found my feet, my balance in this new way of experiencing.

I joined in group meditations. I was then guided, nudged even to create a meditation for this group, which presented a challenge, but I did it anyway, which helped me grow my confidence. And as I practiced writing down these messages, these texts that came through for a meditation, I sensed this flow of writing become stronger.

It was not long before then in some group meditations I sensed the words coming through verbally also, at first of course very cautiously, very softly, very tenderly, with time that grew stronger also, until one time leading into the solstice of 2021, the winter solstice, I was asked to support someone leading this meditation for the group, which I initially was reluctant to do, but decided to step up anyway. In the week prior to this meditation, I started receiving sentences and blocks, paragraphs at nighttime, during the night, full-blown messages that I did not know what to do with. And I perhaps thought that they were to be for the message, for the meditation on the solstice, on the 21st of December.

And I remember feeling fearful, that I was just supposed to be supporting. But if this or these types of messages come through, that I would just take over, which made me fearful, confused, unsure. Two days before the 21st of December, before the gathering, the meditation was to take place, the lead dropped out, she couldn’t make it.

And immediately I was promoted to lead, something I never would have done if I had been asked two weeks before to lead the meditation. I would have said no. But as things happened, I then just realized that is why I had been receiving all these messages, that they were in some way to be for this meditation, a practice run, so to speak. And that now that I was to lead, I did not, I need not worry about nudging anybody else off the pedestal, the podium, so to speak, the lead. So I can listen to my intuition, knew which music was to be played, knew that I was to use a breathing sequence in the beginning, to bring us all into a coherent state, and to just wait and see what happened after that breathing sequence, which then gave birth to the first solstice meditation that you will now find in your library, step one. After one hour and 40 minutes, no stop, I started to speak after this breathing sequence.

And finally, after one hour and 40 minutes, I stopped. And that was the first time anything like that had ever happened, in such depth, in such strength, in such coherence. And as I opened my eyes and looked onto the screen to see the participants that were still there, it was clear how moved they were. It was clear how something significant had just happened. Two nights later, on the 23rd of December, I felt another message coming through. So I recorded it on my phone.

And two nights later, again on the morning of the 25th of December, Christmas morning, a third message came through. Which I also recorded. These I then re-recorded.

And these are what you know then. These three messages are step one, two and three of the 40 steps that are now found, to be found in the library.

Does this answer your question, dear sister?

It definitely does.
In the meditations, in the practice, in whatever we do, breath is so important. What is that about breath? Is there anything you can inform us about that subject? What is the role of breath, even other than you already mentioned? What is breath?

Breath is the sacred instrument of life, extended to us from the source of all being. It is the most intimate intercourse given to you by divine life itself.

It is as with all of your words that you use so often in human language, that you have a rudimentary understanding of what that word means. And more often than not, this rudimentary understanding of breath, of breathing, is what you use to navigate through your life. You see it on the physical level of the way your body receives oxygen and expels carbon dioxide.

But even if we are to return to the word intimate, there is nothing you know in your human experience. Stop, rephrase that. In your human experience, one of the most intimate things that you know is to allow something to enter your body.

Yet at the same time, we often forget to be consciously aware of how the breath repeatedly enters our body. How we receive from externally, from a source outside of us, something so delicate, so tender, so precious, so life-giving, deep into the tiniest canals, portions of our lungs. And what are our lungs but huge areas to receive, to exchange, to give this gift that we receive in each breath from the source outside of us.

This gift of life, the breath of life. It is no surprise then that creating an awareness, expanding our consciousness, becoming more and more aware of this intimacy, this rhythmic intercourse with the divine source of life through the instrument of breath is a key that will help us to unlock the wholeness of our being within the whole of creation and remembering how they are in truth one and the same. Let this be the answer to the question, dear sister. For we could spend many more words describing this, but it is through the experiencing again and again and again that brings this truth closer to each of you on this path. Amen.

Thank you. I would like to have some sort of outline of your path on earth. Starting with, what is your year of birth?

What year was I born? 1973. Would you like me to continue from there, or do you have another

Yes please. Just a bit of that.

Born 1973 in Ireland. My parents were young. Ireland was a simple, relatively poor country back then. My parents and ancestors came from simple, hard-working backgrounds.

Recall a pretty normal Irish upbringing, probably like most of my friends growing up in the 70s, 80s in Ireland. No televisions, or very little for that, possibly very little. Time spent playing outside with sisters, sometimes friends.

Don’t particularly remember, or don’t remember particularly enjoying school that much. Was bullied in primary school for a period of time, not long, but for a period. And never felt really at ease with the authoritarian way of teaching shown by the schools, teachers, and the church. But it didn’t bother me. I just left it be. Went to church because that’s what everyone did every Sunday.

It wasn’t a religious fixture for us children growing up, as it was for my mother, but for all of my peers, it
was a meeting point. Say a quick hello, have a few words. I don’t remember anything religious about church, which sounds like a contradiction, but developed my independence quite early when I started working for neighboring farmers to earn some pocket money for myself.

Used to head off my bicycle working most Saturdays and Sundays. That was me discovering freedom, getting away from home out to the big world, exploring. Then went to college, enjoyed that a little bit more than school, but again still didn’t ever feel like i really fit in. But that wasn’t too much of a disturbance for me either. During college I went twice during the summer, two consecutive years, to Germany to work in Frankfurt to earn money to finance my college studies. So I had a little exposure to Germany during college, but because the summer jobs I had been doing were in English, I didn’t learn that much German.

After college I found it very hard to get a job. There weren’t many jobs in Ireland at that time, it was just before the boom began in Ireland. I was working night shifts in a petrol station and I really, really didn’t like it.

I don’t think I was very happy during that time, living alone, working a job I didn’t like. An opportunity came then to come to Germany, do some training and work here. So I saw it as an opportunity to do something new.

And maybe return then to Ireland with some experience, work experience. So in 1994 I left and arrived in Germany. I was 20 years of age.

In 1996 I met my now wife, Nadja. In 2000 I started my own business as a tour operator. 2008 I quit my job to continue growing the business.

2010 we bought a house and had our first child. 2012 we started importing Irish products, started a new business in e-commerce. 2016 I started doing hypnotherapy, which brings us back to the start.

And since then everything has been growing and evolving. It’s time to create this world that I wish to inhabit, both for myself and for those around me. A world of care, compassion, kindness and love.

A world where we can remember that the essence of Christ is something that lies deep within us, all around us. That yes, in truth, the kingdom of heaven lies within. Amen.

Does that outline help you, dear sister?

Very much so. But there is one thing that comes again and again to mind and that is the name Nadja. Is there a little more to be told about how you knew that Nadja was the one to be your wife?

We are soulmates.

There is no one in this world with whom I can be just who I am. And over the last almost 30 years, that has always been somebody else. As with Nadja.

We have grown together. We have gone through challenges together. We were even apart for quite some time.

We haven’t been together all the time since we met. We went our separate ways for some time, I think maybe five years, only to realize what everybody else had been telling us all along, that we were meant to be together. That was when we reconnected and started the family together. She has been through everything that I have been through with me and I with her. And given what I have been through these past five years, eight years, it’s quite remarkable that she would stand by and co-witness all of this and support and make this possible in her way. So I’m not sure I can answer the question when or how I know.

It feels like it couldn’t have been any other way, it was inevitable.

Yes. And that’s not to say we don’t have our challenges. And that’s not to say that things are easy all the time. But we do stand for each other, support each other in every way possible. And one of the most important things I think is that we grow together. She is on her own path also. And that feels quite important for her, for us, for everything. Does that answer your question?

It sure does. So the last thing is, is there anything you would like to say that I didn’t ask?

Only that I would like to preface or pre-introduce this interview by saying that this,
anything that i, Paul shares is just a momentary perspective in time, as seen through the lens visible
to me now. And that it is not a complete picture, but that which I can make shapes out of in a story that others may relate to, that may give others a sense of familiarity, and perhaps to remove any mystery of me being anything special. And that anything I share of my past or what I’m experiencing comes from a place of authentic experiencing that everyone else is doing also.
And that if this is possible for me, it is possible, it is truly possible for everyone. Amen.

Thank you for this interview.

Thank you.


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  1. Thank you so much for this beautiful interview… it is really wonderful to get a glimpse of the depth of how this process unfolded. With love, Barbera

  2. Dear Annemarie and Paul,
    Thank you very much for the beautiful interview.
    Thank you for sharing all this with us Paul.
    Through what you share about your roots, your path and your revelations, I experience my connection with you as my brother in our Being Christ even further.
    Are you very grateful Paul for what you give me/us as a great gift in your meditations.

    Big hug Thonny

    1. Dear Thonny,
      What a beautiful response. Thank you for sharing this with us 🙏
      Much love 💛